HTTP Status Codes Overview

Responses from the OTPLESS API are accompanied by standard HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of your requests. Here’s a summary:

  • 2xx - Success: Indicates that the request was successfully received, understood, and accepted.
  • 4xx - Client Errors: Errors resulting from the client’s request.
  • 5xx - Server Errors: Errors occurring on the OTPLESS server side.

Detailed Error Codes Table

Below is a detailed table listing specific error codes, descriptions, common causes, and recommended solutions:

Error CodeDescriptionCommon CausesHow to Resolve
400Bad RequestInvalid syntax or missing parametersVerify request syntax and parameters. Ensure all required fields are correctly formatted.
401UnauthorizedInvalid or missing authentication credentialsEnsure your clientId and clientSecret are correctly included and valid.
403ForbiddenInsufficient permissionsCheck if your API key has necessary permissions for the requested operation.
404Not FoundEndpoint URL typo or resource does not existVerify the endpoint URL and the existence of the resource.
429Too Many RequestsExceeding API rate limitsReduce request frequency. Consider implementing exponential backoff in retry logic.
500Internal Server ErrorServer issuesRetry the request. If the issue persists, contact support.
503Service UnavailableServer overload or maintenanceWait and retry after some time. Check the Status Page for any known issues.

Need Further Assistance?

If you’re facing issues not resolved by this guide or require more in-depth assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team. Our goal is to ensure a seamless experience with the OTPLESS API.

For support, contact us through our Support Channel.