Web URLA standard HTTPS web URL for redirecting back to web application.https://example.com/auth
API EndpointA GET API that can be used to directly handle the authentication response.https://api.example.com/auth
Application Deep LinkA custom scheme URL for redirecting back to a mobile application.example://auth

Setting Up a Redirect URI for Mobile Apps


  1. Defining a Deep Link in the Manifest: Start by adding intent filters in your AndroidManifest.xml. This tells Android how to handle URLs intended for your app. Define a custom scheme or host to ensure your app uniquely captures the redirect URL.

    <activity android:name=".MainActivity">
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
            <data android:scheme="yourcustomscheme" android:host="redirect" />
  2. Handling the Intent in an Activity: In your MainActivity, override onCreate or onNewIntent to handle the incoming intent. Extract the code or token from the URI:

    protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {
        Uri uri = intent.getData();
        if (uri != null && uri.getScheme().equals("yourcustomscheme")) {
            String code = uri.getQueryParameter("code");
            // Handle the code


  1. Configuring URL Schemes: In Xcode, go to your project settings and add a URL scheme under URL Types. This is your app’s custom URL scheme.

  2. Handling Incoming URLs: Implement URL handling in your AppDelegate. This method is invoked when your app is asked to open a custom URL scheme:

    func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
        if url.scheme == "yourcustomscheme" {
            let code = url.queryItems?["code"]
            // Process the code
            return true
        return false

Here,yourcustomscheme should be replaced with the custom URL scheme you defined.

React Native

  1. Register a Custom URL Scheme:

    • For Android, modify AndroidManifest.xml as shown in the Android section.
    • For iOS, configure URL Types in Xcode project settings.
  2. Handling Incoming Links:

    • Use the Linking API in React Native to handle incoming URLs.
    • Listen for incoming URLs and parse them to extract the code.
    import { Linking } from "react-native";
    Linking.addEventListener("url", handleOpenURL);
    function handleOpenURL(event) {
      let data = Linking.parse(event.url);
      let code = data.queryParams.code;
      // Use the code here


  1. Register a Custom URL Scheme:

    • For Android, modify AndroidManifest.xml as shown in the Android section.
    • For iOS, configure URL Types in Xcode project settings.
  2. Handling Incoming Links:

    • Use the Linking API in React Native to handle incoming URLs.
    • Listen for incoming URLs and parse them to extract the code.
    import { Linking } from "react-native";
    Linking.addEventListener("url", handleOpenURL);
    function handleOpenURL(event) {
      let data = Linking.parse(event.url);
      let code = data.queryParams.code;
      // Use the code here

Best Practices

  • Ensure the URL scheme is unique to avoid conflicts with other apps.
  • Handle exceptions and edge cases where the URL might not contain the expected parameters.


Implementing and handling Redirect URIs in mobile applications is a key skill in today’s app development landscape. With the right setup and attention to detail, you can create a smooth and secure authentication experience for your users.

Additional Resources