OTPless SDK Error Codes

This document provides detailed explanations for all the error codes returned by the OTPless SDK. Each section includes the response type, status code, error code, and a description of the issue.

Status Code: 429

Error Code: 7020 - Authentication Rate Limited

  • Response Type: INITIATE
  • Error Message: Authentication Rate Limited reached. Please try again after some time.

Explanation: This error indicates that the system has received too many authentication requests in a short period. The rate limit is enforced to prevent abuse. Users should wait for a specified period before retrying.

Error Code: 7022 - Identity Rate Limit Exceeded

  • Response Type: INITIATE
  • Error Message: The identity associated with this request has exceeded the allowed number of authentication requests. Please wait until the rate limit resets.

Explanation: The specific identity (e.g., phone number or email) has reached the maximum allowed authentication requests within a certain time frame. Retry after the limit resets.

Error Code: 7023 - IP Rate Limit Exceeded

  • Response Type: INITIATE
  • Error Message: The IP associated with this request has exceeded the allowed number of authentication requests. Please wait until the rate limit resets.

Explanation: The IP address sending the authentication requests has reached the maximum allowed requests. This is commonly used to prevent spam or malicious behavior from specific IP addresses.

Error Code: 7024 - Application Rate Limit Exceeded

  • Response Type: INITIATE
  • Error Message: The application has exceeded the allowed number of authentication requests. Please wait until the rate limit resets.

Explanation: The entire application has reached its authentication request limit. This typically occurs when there are too many simultaneous requests from the same application.

Status Code: 401

Error Code: 7025 - SMS Delivery Not Enabled for Country

  • Response Type: INITIATE
  • Error Message: SMS delivery to this country is not enabled. Contact OTPLESS team to activate.

Explanation: The system is not set up to send SMS messages to the specified country. Contact the OTPLESS team to enable this functionality for your application.

Error Code: 401 - Unauthorized Request

  • Response Type: INITIATE
  • Error Message: UnAuthorized request! Please check your appId.

Explanation: The app ID provided is invalid or unauthorized. Verify your credentials and try again.

Status Code: 400

Error Code: 7101 - Invalid Parameters

  • Response Type: INITIATE
  • Error Message: Request error: Invalid parameters values or Required parameters are missing.

Explanation: This error occurs when required parameters are missing or incorrectly formatted in the request. Double-check your API call to ensure all necessary fields are provided and correctly formatted.

Error Code: 7102 - Invalid Phone Number

  • Response Type: INITIATE
  • Error Message: Request error: Invalid phone number.

Explanation: The phone number provided in the request is invalid. Ensure that the phone number is correctly formatted, including the country code.

Error Code: 7103 - Invalid Phone Delivery Channel

  • Response Type: INITIATE
  • Error Message: Request error: Invalid phone number delivery channel.

Explanation: The specified delivery channel for sending the OTP (e.g., SMS, WhatsApp) is not valid for the provided phone number. Ensure that the correct channel is chosen for the number type.

Error Code: 7104 - Invalid Email

  • Response Type: INITIATE
  • Error Message: Request error: Invalid email.

Explanation: The email provided is not valid. Ensure that the email address is correctly formatted and complies with standard email conventions.

Error Code: 7105 - Invalid Email Channel

  • Response Type: INITIATE
  • Error Message: Request error: Invalid email channel.

Explanation: The email delivery channel specified in the request is invalid. Make sure that the appropriate channel is selected for email delivery.

Error Code: 7106 - Invalid Phone Number or Email

  • Response Type: INITIATE
  • Error Message: Request error: Invalid phone number or email.

Explanation: Either the phone number or email provided in the request is invalid. Ensure both fields are correctly formatted if used together.

Error Code: 7112 - Empty OTP

  • Response Type: VERIFY
  • Error Message: Request error: Empty OTP.

Explanation: The OTP value is missing in the request. Ensure that the OTP field is not left empty when submitting for verification.

Error Code: 7113 - Invalid Expiry

  • Response Type: INITIATE
  • Error Message: Request error: Invalid expiry.

Explanation: The expiry value provided in the request is invalid. Ensure that the expiry value is in the correct format and within the allowed limits.

Error Code: 7115 - OTP Already Verified

  • Response Type: VERIFY
  • Error Message: Request error: OTP is already verified.

Explanation: The OTP has already been verified for this request. The same OTP cannot be verified multiple times.

Error Code: 7116 - Invalid OTP Length

  • Response Type: INITIATE
  • Error Message: Request error: OTP Length is invalid. 4 and 6 only allowed.

Explanation: The OTP length provided is incorrect. Only lengths of 4 or 6 are allowed.

Error Code: 7118 - Incorrect OTP

  • Response Type: VERIFY
  • Error Message: Request error: Incorrect OTP!

Explanation: The OTP provided does not match the one generated by the system. Check the OTP entered and try again.

Error Code: 7121 - Invalid App Hash

  • Response Type: INITIATE
  • Error Message: Request error: Invalid app hash.

Explanation: The app hash provided is invalid. Ensure that the correct app hash is used in the request.

Error Code: 7303 - OTP Expired

  • Response Type: VERIFY
  • Error Message: Request error: OTP expired.

Explanation: The OTP has expired and is no longer valid for verification. Request a new OTP and try again.

Status Code: 5002

Error Code: -1009 - Internet Error

  • Response Type: INTERNET_ERR
  • Error Message: Internet Error.

Explanation: An internet connectivity issue occurred, preventing the request from being processed. Ensure that the network connection is stable and try again.

Error Code: -2 - Internet Error

  • Response Type: INTERNET_ERR
  • Error Message: Internet Error.

Explanation: Another internet-related issue, potentially caused by poor network conditions. Ensure that the network connection is stable and retry the request.

Status Code: 500

Error Code: 500 - Internal Server Error

  • Response Type: VERIFY / INITIATE
  • Error Message: Something went wrong! Please try again.

Explanation: An unexpected server error occurred. Please retry the request.

Status Code: 4000

Error Code: 4000 - Incorrect Request Values

  • Response Type: INITIATE
  • Error Message: The request values are incorrect, see details.

Explanation: The values provided in the request are invalid. Ensure you are sending valid data.

Status Code: 4001

Error Code: 4001 - 2FA Not Supported

  • Response Type: INITIATE
  • Error Message: OTPless headless SDK doesn’t support 2FA as of now.

Explanation: The current version of OTPless SDK does not support two-factor authentication.

Status Code: 4002

Error Code: 4002 - Incorrect Request Parameters

  • Response Type: INITIATE
  • Error Message: The request parameters are incorrect, see details.

Explanation: The parameters sent in the request are invalid. Review the API documentation for the correct parameters.

Status Code: 4003

Error Code: 4003 - Incorrect Request Channel

  • Response Type: INITIATE
  • Error Message: The request channel is incorrect, see details.

Explanation: The channel specified in the request is not supported or invalid. Check the allowed channels and update the request.