Step 1: Add SDK Dependency

SDK can be installed via both Cocoapods and Swift Package Manager.


  • Open your app’s project file .xcodeproj.
  • Add the following line into the dependencies section of your project’s Podfile:
pod 'OtplessSDK/Core', '2.2.8'

Make sure to run the following commands in your root folder to fetch the dependency.

pod repo update
pod install

Swift Package Manager

  1. In Xcode, click File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency.
  2. In the dialog that appears, enter the repository URL:
  3. Select the dependency rule as exact version and use the version 2.2.8.

Step 2: Configure info.plist

Add the following block to your info.plist file:


Replace YOUR_APP_ID with your actual App ID provided in your OTPLESS dashboard.

Step 3: Handle Redirection

Add the following code to your App Delegate to handle redirection:

Step 4: Configure your Signup/Sign in page

Import the OTPLESS SDK in your file:

import OtplessSDK

Add the following code in your viewDidLoad() function:

Otpless.sharedInstance.showOtplessLoginPageWithParams(appId: {YOUR_APP_ID}, vc: self, params: nil)

Step 5: Handle Callback on your Signup/Sign in page

Implement the OtplessDelegate protocol and handle the callback from the OTPLESS SDK:

extension YourViewController: OtplessDelegate {
    func onResponse(response: [String : Any]?) {
        if let response = response {
            if let token = response["token"] as? String {
                // Send this token to your backend service to validate otplessUser details received in the callback with OTPless backend service

🏁 Checkpoint

To ensure a smooth integration process:

  1. Deploy your app/website with the included OTPLESS SDK.
  2. Conduct tests to verify the sign-in flow functions correctly.
  3. Ensure that after a successful sign-in, the user is redirected back to your app/website and their information is correctly logged in the console.

User Information Response Structure

The structure of the user information returned upon successful sign-in is as follows:

  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "token": "unique_token_here",
  "userId": "unique_user_id_here",
  "timestamp": "ISO_timestamp_here",
  "identities": [
       "identityType": "EMAIL",
      "identityValue": "",
      "channel": "OAUTH",
      "methods": [
      "name": "User Name",
      "verified": true,
      "verifiedAt": "ISO_timestamp_here",
      "isCompanyEmail": "true"
  "idToken": "jwt_token",
  "network": {
    "ip": "",
    "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
    "ipLocation": {}
  "deviceInfo": {},
  "sessionInfo": {},
  "firebaseInfo": {},

You can check out a complete sample response here.

Next Steps