Using the Headless SDK, requests can be easily customized to set a specific expiry, adjust the OTP length, and select a preferred delivery channel such as WhatsApp, SMS, or Viber for phone number authentication.

After successfully integrating OTPLESS React Native headless SDK, you can set the following custom parameters:

Custom Expiry

Headless request can be customized with custom expiry.

let headlessRequest: any = {};
// Set expiry in seconds
if (phoneNumber) {
    headlessRequest = {
        phone: phoneNumber,
        countryCode: countryCode,
        expiry: expiry

Custom OTP length

Headless request can be customized with custom OTP length 4 or 6.

let headlessRequest: any = {};
// Either 4 or 6
if (phoneNumber) {
    headlessRequest = {
        phone: phoneNumber,
        countryCode: countryCode,
        otpLength: otpLength

Custom Delivery Channel

Headless request can be customized with custom Delivery Channel like WHATSAPP, SMS and VIBER.

let headlessRequest: any = {};
if (phoneNumber) {
    headlessRequest = {
        phone: phoneNumber,
        countryCode: countryCode,
        deliveryChannel: deliveryChannel