What Are JWT Claims?

JWT (JSON Web Token) claims are pieces of information encoded into a JWT, providing details about the user and the session. These claims are used to identify users, authorize actions, and validate sessions.

A typical OTPless JWT token consists of three parts:

  1. Header: Metadata about the token (e.g., signing algorithm).
  2. Payload: The claims.
  3. Signature: Ensures the token has not been tampered with.

Decoding an Example JWT

Here’s an example OTPless session JWT:

Encoded JWT


Decoded Payload

  "sub": "91d30c1b70e14527b6e889d8da1cdd19",
  "iss": "https://otpless.com",
  "name": "Mihit Thakkar",
  "sessionId": "91d30c1b70e14527b6e889d8da1cdd19",
  "exp": 1733474928,
  "iat": 1733388528,
  "userId": "MO-ff0e3b984b33490fa526662aba35e638",
  "email": "xxxx@otpless.com",
  "phone": "919999999999"

Key Claims Explained

  1. sub (Subject): Identifies the subject of the token, typically the session ID.
  2. iss (Issuer): The entity that issued the token. For OTPless, this is always https://otpless.com.
  3. name: The user’s full name.
  4. sessionId: The unique identifier for the user session.
  5. exp (Expiration Time): The Unix timestamp after which the token is no longer valid.
  6. iat (Issued At): The Unix timestamp indicating when the token was issued.
  7. userId: A unique identifier for the user in the OTPless system.
  8. email: The user’s email address.
  9. phone: The user’s phone.

How to Validate Claims

To validate a JWT token:

  1. Check the iss Claim: Ensure the token was issued by OTPless (https://otpless.com).
  2. Verify the Signature: Use the public key associated with kid in the header to ensure the token is not tampered with. You can find the public keys at: https://otpless.com/.well-known/jwks.
  3. Check Expiry (exp): Ensure the token has not expired.
  4. Confirm Audience (aud): Match the aud with the OTPless App Id.