This section provides detailed steps for integrating Google and Facebook login functionality into your application using the Google SDK and Facebook SDK. This guide will walk you through the process of incorporating authentication via Google and Facebook, enabling users to seamlessly log in using their existing accounts. The integration covers both the setup of the respective SDKs and the necessary configuration steps for a smooth login experience.


Before you proceed with integrating Google and Facebook login using the Google SDK and Facebook SDK, make sure to complete the integration steps from the OTPless iOS Headless SDK Documentation.

Once you’ve completed the integration from the link above, you can continue with the following steps to incorporate Google and Facebook login into your app.

Please find the latest version of the SDK here.

Add SDK Dependency

SDK can be installed via both Cocoapods and Swift Package Manager.


  • Open your app’s project file .xcodeproj.
  • Add the following line into the dependencies section of your project’s Podfile:
# To use both Google and Facebook SDK, use: 
pod 'OtplessBM'

# To use either one of Google or Facebook SDK, use Otpless/Core with either of the commands: 
pod 'OtplessBM/Core'
pod 'OtplessBM/FacebookSupport'
# or GoogleSupport for Google SDK
pod 'OtplessBM/GoogleSupport'

Swift Package Manager

  1. In Xcode, click File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency.
  2. In the dialog that appears, enter the repository URL:
  3. Select the dependency rule as exact version and use the latest version.
  • Note: If you are using SPM for SDK installation, both GoogleSupport and FacebookSupport are installed. Also, no dependency is required for Apple SDK.

Choose your platform type to initiate login:

Configuration for Google SDK Login

Update the Info.plist File

To enable Google SDK login in your app, you’ll need to add the necessary configurations in your Info.plist file.

  • Add your GIDClientID: This is the Google Client ID that you will obtain from the Google Developer Console.

Configure URL Schemes

Google sign-in requires a URL scheme that ensures the app can handle the redirect after authentication. This URL scheme should be based on the reversed Google Client ID.

  • Add the CFBundleURLTypes configuration:

Make sure to replace YOUR_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID with the actual ClientID provided by Google and DOT_REVERSED_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID with the reversed version of your ClientID.

This setup ensures that your app can integrate smoothly with Google’s login system and handle redirects after authentication.

AppDelegate Configuration

Handles OTPless deeplinks when the app is opened via a URL.

func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
      if Otpless.shared.isOtplessDeeplink(url: url) {
          Task(priority: .background) {
              await Otpless.shared.processOtplessDeeplink(url: url)
          return true
      return false


To initiate an google login, set the channel type as GOOGLE_SDK.

let request = OtplessRequest()
request.set(channelType: .GOOGLE_SDK)
Task(priority: .background) {
    await Otpless.shared.start(withRequest: request)

Note: Provide Google Client ID

For proper functioning of Google login in your application, you need to provide the ClientId and Client Secret of the credentials created on the Google Cloud Console.

Please ensure that the ClientId and Client Secret associated with your application is provided to OTPless for seamless integration and authentication functionality. This is crucial for the authentication process to work correctly.